

To use the service, you first need to register in the personal account.

In the personal account, you need to create a wallet and specify the currencies in which you intend to accept payments. In the future, the service will automatically generate new addresses for the selected currencies to create payment invoices.

When creating a wallet, you must choose its type:
1. "INVOICE" type - for receiving payments by issuing invoices.
2. "PRIVATE" type - for personal use without limitations.

Also, in the personal account, you can download the secret phrase of the created wallet for control and secure storage of your funds. We strongly recommend downloading the secret phrase and securely storing it.

You can import your own wallet into the system (enter your secret phrase) and use it safely in our system for personal purposes, as well as for invoicing and integration with your services.

To work with the API, in your personal account, you need to take the Wallet ID you plan to work with and the seed phrase HASH (seed-hash) if you intend to perform transactions (send funds) using the API documentation. You can also send funds directly from your personal account without using the API documentation.

IMPORTANT! Remember, if you have opened a wallet to receive funds by issuing invoices (opened an "INVOICE" type wallet) - do not transfer funds there without issuing an invoice, as it may disrupt the notification system process (the address to which you transfer funds may have been previously issued as an invoice for payment for your goods). If you are sure that the address to which you intend to send funds has not been issued as an invoice, you can send funds to it, and the payment processing will proceed as usual. If, after such a payment, the wallet balance does not change, simply request the balance of that specific address, and the wallet balance will be updated.


Gets information about the account. You can obtain the Wallet ID in your personal account after registration. You can use the ID of any wallet.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: -

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet_id string Wallet ID yes
Request example
curl -X GET ""
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
id string Account ID or wallet ID, if this ID is in the "wallets" array
created string Creation date. 
Contains the full date, hours, minutes, seconds, decimal part of seconds in ISO-8601 (opens new window) format, for example, 2022-10-13T00:00:01
username string username or email
credits int User credit in the system
fiatCurrency string Preferred currency in which the wallet balance is displayed
defaultWalletId string Default Wallet ID
wallets array Array of all account wallets
type string Wallet type (INVOICE or PRIVAT)
name string Wallet or Account name
balance int Balance of all currencies in this wallet
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
404 - Wallet not found
Content Type: - application/json

Method Parameter
User profile


Provides information about available blockchains, currencies, and also contains currency icons and their rates.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: -

Parameter Type Description Required
- - - -
Request example
curl -X GET ""
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
currencyFiatList array List of available fiat currencies
walletList array List of available currencies for creation in the wallet
blockchain string Blockchain
contract_address string Contract address
type_currency string Currency type: blockchain base currency or contract(Token)
symbol string Сurrency symbol
name string Currency name
blockchain_type string Blockchain type (EVM or UTXO)
decemal int decimals
icon string Currency icon
exchangeData array Array of currency information
rate array Currency exchange rate array
market_cap int market capitalization
calculation_supply int Calculation supply
total_supply int Total supply
other_info string Additional information about the cryptocurrency
http_explorer string Explorer for this cryptocurrency
hdPathStandards string Possible address creation standards
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Method Parameter
Payment data