

At one account, there can be several wallets. The user determines which wallets to use for invoicing and which ones for asset storage and other asset operations.

Each wallet has its own Wallet ID, which can be used to check balances, transaction history, and other information. However, to perform transactions, it is necessary to use the seed HASH, which can be obtained in the personal account or generated from the wallet's seed phrase.

* Creating or deleting a wallet can be done in the personal account. Deleting addresses and contracts is also possible in the personal account. Periodically deleting addresses enhances the confidentiality of using the service. After deleting addresses, the service will automatically generate the necessary number of addresses for issuing new invoices.


Obtains information about the wallet, coin, and tokens. "Wallet ID" can be obtained in the personal account by navigating to the "Setting" tab.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: -
URL:{wallet id}

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet id string Wallet ID yes
Request example
curl -X GET ""
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
id string Wallet ID
created string Wallet creation date
type string Wallet or account type
name string Wallet name
balance string balance
accounts array Array of wallet accounts
blockchain string Blockchain
contract_address string Contract address
currency string Account currency
symbol string Currency symbol
decimal string Currency decimal
decimal_balance string Balance with decimal
rate string Rate
fiat_balance string balance in your preferred fiat currency
fiat_currency string The currency in which the fiat balance is denominated
active bool Indicates whether the account is active or not
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
404 - Wallet not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Method Parameter
Wallet Info


Provides information about the blockchain addresses of a specific wallet. If you set the blockchain as the parameter, the method will return all addresses belonging to that blockchain, as well as all tokens located at those addresses. If you set both the blockchain and contract address as parameters, the method will return all addresses where that contract is located. It's also possible to view the list of hidden (previously deleted) addresses.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: -
URL:{wallet id}/addresses?blockchain={blockchain}&contracts={contracts}&active={true/false}

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet id string Wallet ID yes
blockchain string Blockchain yes
contracts string Contract addresses no
active bool Show active or hidden accounts. If nothing is specified, only active accounts will be displayed. no
Request example
curl -X GET ""

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*"
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
id string Wallet ID
addresses array Array of addresses of the selected blockchain
address string Address from the array of addresses of the selected blockchain
hd_path string Path of the address when creating it
created string Wallet creation date
type string Wallet or account type
balance string balance
accounts array Array of address accounts
blockchain string Blockchain
contract_address string Contract address
currency string Account currency
symbol string Сurrency symbol
decimal string Сurrency decimal
decimal_balance string Balance with decimal
rate string rate
fiat_balance string balance in your preferred fiat currency
fiat_currency string The currency in which the fiat balance is denominated
active bool Indicates whether the account is active or not
Response example

Error response

HTTP Status Code:
403 - Currency is not active
404 - Wallet not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Blockchain Info Parameter
Wallet ID
Contract Address


Provides information about the wallet address. The method will return all information regarding this address, including details about all tokens associated with this address.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: -
URL:{wallet id}/addresses/{address}

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet id string Wallet ID yes
address string Address yes
Request example
curl -X GET ""
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
address string Address
hd_path string Path of the address when creating it
type string Wallet or account type
balance string balance
accounts array Array of address accounts
blockchain string Blockchain
contract_address string Contract address
currency string Account currency
symbol string Сurrency symbol
decimal string Сurrency decimal
decimal_balance string Balance with decimal
rate string rate
fiat_balance string balance in your preferred fiat currency
fiat_currency string The currency in which the fiat balance is denominated
active bool Indicates whether the account is active or not
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
403 - Currency is not active
404 - Wallet not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Address Info Parameter
Wallet ID


Creates an address in the chosen blockchain. Recommended address standards (BIP) are specified in the currency information. If you specify a contract address, it will create an address in the chosen blockchain with the specified contract on it.
Content Type: application/json
URL:{wallet id}/addresses

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet id string Wallet ID yes
blockchain string Blockchain yes
standard string BIP address creation standard yes
Request example
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
object object created object
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
403 - Currency is not active
404 - Wallet not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Create Address Parameter
Wallet ID
Contract Address


Creates a token account at the specified blockchain address.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: application/json
URL:{wallet id}/addresses/{address}

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet id string Wallet ID yes
address string Blockchain address yes
contract_address string Token address yes
Request example
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
object object created object
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
403 - Currency is not active
404 - Wallet not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Create Token Parameter
Wallet ID
Contract Address


The method returns the transaction history of the wallet. It is also possible to apply the necessary filters. By default, the method returns the last 20 items. To view previous or specific data, you need to use the filters.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: -

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet id string Wallet ID yes
blockchain string Blockchain no
contract string Contract address no
from_date string Start date (e.g., 2024-08-11T15:23:59, ISO standard) no
to_date string End date (e.g., 2024-08-22T15:23:59, ISO standard) no
type string Transaction type (e.g., in / out). no
from_hash string The transaction hash from which the history will be issued. no
page int Page number of the history. The first page = 0. no
size int Number of items per page (default is 20). no
Request example
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*"
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
date string Date and time of the transaction
operation_type string Transaction type
symbol string Currency symbol
blockchain string Blockchain
hash string Transaction hash
contract_address string Contract address
blockHeight int Block height
value int Transaction amount
decimal_value int Transaction amount considering decimals.
fees int Network fees
decimal_fees int Network fee considering decimals
type string Transaction type (in or out)
confirmations int Number of network confirmations
inputs string Sender's transaction address
outputs string Recipient's transaction address
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
403 - Currency is not active
404 - Wallet not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Wallet History Parameter
Wallet ID
Contract Address


TThe method provides the transaction history of a specific address. If you specify the contract address as an additional parameter, the method will provide the transaction history of that contract associated with the address.
HTTP Method: GET
Content Type: -
URL:{wallet id}/addresses/{address}/txs?contract={contract}&from_date={from_date}&to_date={to_date}&type={type}&from_hash={from_hash}&page={page}&size={size}

Parameter Type Description Required
wallet id string Wallet ID yes
address string Address yes
contract string Contract address no
from_date string Start date (e.g., 2024-08-11T15:23:59, ISO standard) no
to_date string End date (e.g., 2024-08-22T15:23:59, ISO standard) no
type string Transaction type (e.g., in / out). no
from_hash string The transaction hash from which the history will be issued. no
page int Page number of the history. The first page = 0. no
size int Number of items per page (default is 20). no
Request example
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*"
Success Response Reference
HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter Type Description
date string Date and time of the transaction
operation_type string Transaction type
symbol string Currency symbol
blockchain string Blockchain
hash string Transaction hash
contract_address string Contract address
blockHeight int Block height
value int Transaction amount
decimal_value int Transaction amount considering decimals.
fees int Network fees
decimal_fees int Network fee considering decimals
type string Transaction type (in or out)
confirmations int Number of network confirmations
inputs string Sender's transaction address
outputs string Recipient's transaction address
Response example
Error response
HTTP Status Code:
403 - Currency is not active
404 - Wallet not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Content Type: - application/json

Account History Parameter
Wallet ID
Contract Address